November 10, 2020
The Devil Inside
And so my wife left me, again.  Packed her bags, got into her car with a big guy and drove off.  Well, the big guy is actually my son and they went away to Alaska for a week, so perhaps it is not as dramatic as it may seem.  Still […]
November 10, 2020
A Mexican Standoff
The summer is here and I am so back!!  Back in the running business, rushing out of the house at the first crack of dawn and loving it, enjoying every moment before, during and after!  Also, back by popular demand is my ability to focus, to block out all distractions […]
November 10, 2020
The Final Shock
Well, I finally remembered why I fell in love in the first place.  With running, that is.  Why I truly got hooked, despite the fact that it has always been unnatural and extremely difficult for me.  No, it’s not the “high” that you feel during and after; it’s not the […]
November 10, 2020
Gluteus To The Max
What kind of a title is that?  Most likely I meant ‘Gluteus Maximus’, which, loosely translated, means ‘nice butt’.  But then again, it is just a Hapax Legomenon (a word that you will see in a document only once.) Sorry about that, an idiot of my caliber is not supposed […]
November 10, 2020
A Shot of the Good Stuff
Ask any dedicated runner why they run, and they will most certainly tell you that running improves their health, keeps them in shape and overall just makes them feel better.  And while most of these statements are probably true – at least in their own minds – the real answer […]
November 10, 2020
Lying To Myself
How do you get back to action after a 3-month break?  How do you regain the level of activity and build yourself back up after largely hibernating since the late part of 2015?  Getting back into a cardio routine after taking time off is so intimidating… how does one begin, […]
November 10, 2020
A Place Beyond
There is nothing more captivating and truly beautiful than the ocean sunrise, being there to watch the sun peak above the endless horizon.  No matter who and where you are in this world, it is worth getting up early at least once to be a part of this moment, as […]
November 10, 2020
The Good, The Bad and The Awesome
Each step is filled with unimaginable pain, like a sharp knife cutting deep into the foot, again and again.  I force myself not to think about the miles I have yet to cover, it is easier to focus on the shorter-term targets: next building, next corner, a car parked on […]
November 10, 2020
As Real As It Gets
I will not feed into the whole argument of whether or not Bruce Jenner is a woman or Caitlyn Jenner is a former man, etc.  That discussion can go on for ages and, ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer, but rather is simply a matter of perspective and […]
November 10, 2020
There Can Only Be One
Throughout history, many rivalries have greatly fascinated and captured our attention.  Some are entirely trivial and insignificant, while others clearly transcend time, space and cultural differences.  Coca Cola vs. Pepsi, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Ali vs. Frazer, Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs, McDonalds vs. Burger King.  The list goes […]
November 10, 2020
Shake It Off
As you step outside at 5 in the morning, the calm and silence are almost deafening, so profound that it seems the world is watching you closely.  All you can do to keep your sanity intact is put on some music, and let your feet and your mind run free… […]
November 10, 2020
Forever Free
Listen to me and I will tell you the truth.  I will tell you the reason why people, men and women alike, are unhappy (at times), and the real underlying cause of all the problems in the world today.  I can see you smiling or rolling your eyes already, but […]
November 10, 2020
The Burning Question
Writing, or actually even thinking about this topic, makes my blood boil, makes my nose and other parts sweat and just in general raises my body temperature by a full degree.  Just picturing hot and spicy foods in my mind makes me want to cry like a little girl, but […]
November 10, 2020
Touched By The Cloud
I believe it was Einstein that said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Well, I have always agreed with the old man, until recently, when I discovered a new and improved standard for insanity – waking up at […]
November 10, 2020
Was It All A Lie?
Well, slap me around and call me Susan!  For a guy that consistently talks about consistency, I deserve the medal of Eternal Shame.  In fact, I hear they are planning to put my picture up in the dictionary under ‘Hypocrisy’.  But enough of this motivational talk – lately I’ve actually […]