November 10, 2020
For The Love of It!
I have asked this of many runners and athletes, and I have to agree. How can I love and enjoy something as difficult and as punishing as open-road cardio, a.k.a. running?! Why would we push ourselves to the brink of physical abilities, breathing hard and sweating profusely, feeling as if […]
November 10, 2020
Father’s Day Present!
What’s the best present a father can expect on this Father’s Day weekend?  Some say a smart phone, some say a collection of golf clubs…. To me, a card from my 10-year old, mentioning my running achievements, tops everything and anything in the world!             When […]
November 10, 2020
Sleepless in Seattle…Or In Langhorne, PA
As Bud Fox once said, “Life all comes down to a few moments.” Well, this is clearly NOT one of them, but it certainly affected me in a unique way. We bought a new mattress. Why should anyone care, you ask? Ordinarily, I would not care either, nor would I […]
November 10, 2020
Early Episodes or It Is Early Yet…
This one will be slightly different, as I’d like to cover a lot of ground, without tiring out my already tired readers.  By the way, this is what I look like after one of my 5 AM adventures: _____________________________________________________________________ Believe it or not, but this is a true fact.  I […]
November 10, 2020
Take a Breath… It Helps!
OK, let’s talk about what really matters, and what really stops so many people from enjoying running, or any serious cardio for that matter.  I can certainly speak from experience when I say that the only reason I did not take up running earlier in life was the fact that […]
November 10, 2020
The Psychology of It All…
Before I get to the topic at hand – which, as you probably deduced from the title, deals with the mental aspect of cardio and running in particular – let me start with a quick preamble.  I have to start off that way for two reasons:   1. It will lead […]
November 10, 2020
Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” were the words Frank Loesser used in his pop standard, and I believe he was referring to our current weather today!  When I finally took my first step outside this morning, I felt as though I put my face into a bucket of ice cold water! […]
November 10, 2020
Run vs. Sleep – Can You Win?
Oh, how much I hate that feeling, when you first open your eyes, and you know that you set your mind on running first thing in the morning… but that was last night!  Right now, I will do anything NOT to move, to remain in bed, to catch just another […]
November 10, 2020
More Myths, More Stories…
Everyone wants to be able to run long distances.  It’s the ultimate sign of achievement and a true test for wannabe marathon runners.  But it seems the more frequently you run, the worse you feel. You get discouraged and either stop running altogether or just try to run even more, […]
November 10, 2020
Watch Where You Are Running!
I don’t care what anyone says – walking and running are simply two best ways to stay in shape all year long.  Barring any excuses, you can walk or run just about any time of the year and in just about any climate on the planet; some insane individuals (including […]
November 10, 2020
What Comes First… A Cloud
Given the fact that I am not extremely intelligent, often times I allow myself to get dragged into some rather complicated discussions and debates, on all sorts of topics, ranging from fitness, cardio and general health issues to politics and the price of tea in China, all of which I […]
November 10, 2020
It Almost Happened
I felt it early this morning, as I woke up around 4:30, sensing it immediately.  The disease setting in, slowly taking control, grabbing more and more of me.  No, this is not another dream story, I really was awake.  In fact, I have felt it coming on for a few […]
November 10, 2020
Running Hot
Welcome to the summer, officially!  Even if the weather-gurus get it wrong by a couple of degrees, the winter clothing is gone and forgotten!  I am going to be completely sincere when I say that I simply LOVE this time of the year, everything just feels fresh, promising and exciting. […]
November 10, 2020
Getting a Bit Peaceful…
Having been somewhat confused about the weather lately, I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect this morning – they have been promising us early spring, and so we have all gotten burned by the promise, freezing our butts off!  But I think now, finally, I can say that the spring […]
November 10, 2020
Black Friday – Run or Drive….?
Another early-morning wake up, although the one today had entirely different goals and implications – shopping like we do only once a year!  You gotta get there early enough, to have a chance against those brave bargain shoppers, who brave rain, snow or any kind of frigid cold weather, who […]