November 10, 2020
Getting Me Fired Up….
And that’s not an easy thing to accomplish, I am normally so relaxed and uninvolved.  So what if someone disagrees with my point of view?  That’s fine, everyone is entitled to an opinion, we can all pretty much do whatever we want.  I choose to run at 5 AM, and […]
November 10, 2020
Runnin’ Down A Dream
I am running faster than I ever have in my entire life, and not a sound, not a whisper around me… A very familiar darkness envelops the street, as I am racing down to the next corner, not even breathing hard, trying to figure out how I am able to […]
November 10, 2020
Back In The Saddle Again
After a minor setback yesterday morning, I woke up outside again.  No, no, my wife did not throw me out just yet;  I meant to say that I woke up during my 5 AM run once again, as nature intended.  I actually was not planning to be out running again […]
November 10, 2020
Too Late To The Party?
I was late again for my “normal” 5 AM Run this morning, mostly due to the fact that I have to send off my son to middle school amazingly early, and unless I get up way before 5 o’clock, there is no way I can make it.  Of course, this […]
November 10, 2020
The Extra Mile
Welcome to all the new readers, and THANK YOU!  Don’t know where you are all coming from, but so thrilled to have you here!! Before I get to the topic at hand, let me just say that whoever announced the beginning of spring is a liar, it was freezing cold again […]
November 10, 2020
Back in Action
It felt good to hit the ground running again, having been “sidelined” for a few days due to some sort of a mystical, life-threatening disease.  For nearly a week, I couldn’t see, eat, move, think, but most importantly, breathe!  I never realized the importance of breathing until this disease kicked […]
November 10, 2020
Stay Flat – It Works
Welcome to all the new friends, THANK YOU, and welcome to our 3 new guest writers – top notch!  I am impressed and humbled. I want to skip right to the point, as I received a mountain of emails, asking me to elaborate on something I briefly mentioned in my earlier […]
November 10, 2020
Is It Too Warm to Warm Up?!
Oh man, how nice it feels to have the warm weather back!  No more bulky sweat-shirts, hats, gloves, and all other kinds of  equipment that adds anywhere up to 80 lbs to my already massive frame!  The spring is here (pretty much), YES! I received another question that I want […]
November 10, 2020
The Philosophy of It All
As I was feverishly working on updating my website’s title to ’6 AM Runner’ (to account for the Daylight Time change), I have come to yet another realization, another reason why I often times can’t wait to get out there and just go.  What’s the best way to spell it […]
November 10, 2020
The Excitement of the Oscars
It may surprise many people to learn that one of my favorite shows is the Oscars.  The Oscars are really known as one of the most watched, yet somewhat boring award shows on television.  Despite that, it is still perceived as one of the most important award shows of the year. An […]
November 10, 2020
A Sign From Above
I admit, not quite at 5 am, actually closer to 6, but I still made it out of the house, my head pounding from lack of sleep, my legs weighing a ton each, filled with some undiscovered form of liquid metal…  Still, a promise had been made (if only to myself…), and […]
November 10, 2020
Snack On This
I have received a great deal of comments about my Grapefruit post a few weeks back, some in support of my grapefruit admiration, and some in opposition of it…. and then also some other, simply calling me a crazy nut, but we will save those for later…  Having discussed grapefruit and its […]
November 10, 2020
The Fruit of Labor
I was looking over the latest email I received from the Men’s Health Magazine, suggesting that I try their newest, revolutionary diet, which requires no effort, no exercise, no restrictions, and, I quote: “Eating only the best foods available, including cheesecakes and pizza…”  Sounds pretty tempting, no more need for […]
November 10, 2020
Everyone Wants To Be Like Mike!
It is quite incredible!   Just as I completely remove meat from my diet, the rest of the world decides to follow along…. I am kidding, of course, it is not the rest of the world, only a large percentage of mixed-martial artists, who have also chosen to do away […]
November 10, 2020
Morning Fever
I have no idea why I went out for a run that morning… A move of complete and utter craziness on my part, having spent a sleepless night with high fever, getting up at 3:30 AM…. I felt sick the night before, after coming back from my job in NY, […]