November 10, 2020
Smoke & Mirrors
Say what you will, but there are moments when time just stands still.  Moments when life pauses and you come to a realization.  It happens to everyone, whether you are the President or a lowly prisoner, because in the end we are all just people, with our feelings and our […]
November 10, 2020
Only Time Will Tell
About 10 years ago, there was a party to which I wasn’t invited.  Neither were you, but don’t be upset.  Believe it or not, not a single person was invited to this get-together, which was thrown by the crazy physicist Stephen Hawking.  You see – the party was exclusively for […]
November 10, 2020
It Only Takes One
The year was 1999 and the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, was at the tail-end of his criminal indictment process, facing prison and innumerable financial penalties.  In addition, as it turned out, Jordan had been informing on his partners and colleagues at the brokerage firm and by doing so, […]
November 10, 2020
Love & Alcohol
As the wisest man in history, King Solomon, said: “There is nothing new under the sun – what has been, will be again.”  While we can’t argue with his wisdom, it seems absurd that there is absolutely nothing new that may happen tomorrow, no new discovery that may take place, […]
November 10, 2020
The Hot Woman Rules
Something happened today that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck…  In addition to the hair standing up, I also nearly choked on the piece of steamed broccoli when I heard the news that Hope Hicks, a former model and an equally former White House Communications […]
November 10, 2020
A Little of That Human Touch
Want to know what a German stewardess, Saddam Hussein and Da Vinci all have in common?  You will soon, but first… “Nothing is as healing as the human touch.” These were the last dying words of Bobby Fischer, the greatest chess player the world has ever known and, unfortunately, also […]
November 10, 2020
The Special Day
They say that it is not that difficult to become a father, but it is infinitely more difficult to be a good dad.  Very well said!  And it is for that reason that every year since 1972, fathers have enjoyed one day when everyone at least pretends to recognize their […]
November 10, 2020
A Cut Above
I bet you didn’t know that there are more people alive in the world today than have ever died, throughout the entire history!  Or, get this: every 2 minutes, the energy that reaches the earth from the sun is equal to the entire annual energy use of all the humanity today!  Or, if you look up into the […]
November 10, 2020
On The Rocks
I haven’t felt this tired in years; the muscles I never knew I had are burning up – what a rush! And yet I’ve never been happier, this exhilaration is beyond anything that words can describe.  I’ve wanted to try rock climbing for a while now, and even though I […]
November 10, 2020
The Four Burners of Life
It’s not often that we get to meet famous people, people that have impacted humanity and changed the world for the better.  Or even people whose names have forever been immortalized based on their lifetime achievements.  We can never meet Albert Einstein or Mark Twain in person, and we can’t […]
November 10, 2020
Wind of Change
I get a call from this guy with a weird accent, asking me if I’d like to purchase a Cutco Knife, which apparently comes with a lifetime warranty.  Yes, that’s correct – the knife is covered for life.  And while I’d never buy a knife from some lunatic on the […]
November 10, 2020
The Sound of a Piano
The old man slowly walked across the stage and sat down at the piano.  Even a short walk was difficult for him, now that he was 86 years of age, requiring a moment to catch his breath and gather his thoughts.  He looked down at the piano keys, and briefly […]
November 10, 2020
The True Love
Here is your Valentine’s Day dinner scenario – Chinese food, dinner table set for one.  Yes, just me and my lonesome.  Abandoned by my wife, my children, even by my dog who typically likes me when Chinese food is around; but not tonight.  And that’s ok, I am not a […]
November 10, 2020
Not a Piece of Meat!
We all have feelings and we all have emotional states. Some are just more difficult to notice than the others, because – as humans – we have invented a number of ways to hide our feelings and keep our emotions in check. We fish, we play cards, we smoke, we […]
November 10, 2020
Give Us Hope!
As Robert F. Kennedy said in 1966 – although he wasn’t really the author of the quote:  “May you live in interesting times.” Well, he had no idea what “interesting” truly meant, since no one in the 1960s could possibly imagine the fun and excitement that the 2010s would bring; […]