November 10, 2020
The Warrior’s Complex
I must confess that to me fitness, exercise, running, and all other related topics have always been more of a mental than a physical issue.  Trying to psyche myself up to maintain a steady weekly cardio routine, especially during the winter months, is the most difficult challenge I have ever faced […]
November 10, 2020
Down on My Knees!
Having survived a drinking session and staying up late to watch Mark Zuckerberg on SNL, I nearly became a 7 AM Runner, barely making it up “on time” this morning.  As my body slowly caught up to my mind, which normally happens about a mile into the distance, I slowly […]
November 10, 2020
Playing Chicken in the Snow!
Thanks for HBirthday wishes to all!! Just another funny (in retrospect) episode to share with my continuously growing audience.  As everyone already knows, and as the name above suggests, I run pretty early in the day, like say, at 5 AM, when the darkness of the night still rules.  And […]
November 10, 2020
Eat More Carbs – Lose More Weight?!
It is amazing how many people actually generalize their understanding of how eating may affect their weight, shape and form.  Nothing is simple, and nothing works 100% of the time, and it is usually a combination of multiple factors that contribute to the overall success of your attempts to stay […]
November 10, 2020
Cold & Sharp
Having taken a couple of days off, for various reasons (mostly BS excuses), I found myself back in action at 5 AM this morning!  Of course, the first most initial reaction – oh my!  The cold, sharp, all-penetrating air shocked and shook me all the way through, instantly waking me […]
November 10, 2020
Back to Metabolism!
Just read a new piece on Metabolism, and the numerous things they suggest we do in order to speed up our burn-rate.  Thought I’d share my thoughts and experiences on each: Suggestion #1 – Do Intervals.  In other words, change the speed at which you do your cardio, mixing up slow to fast, then […]
November 10, 2020
The Meat of the Matter
As the memory of 2010 slowly evaporates into the channels of history, I am trying to stay true to some of my “resolutions”, well, not exactly resolutions, more like “intentions”, because I did not go so far as to make a mental stipulation, or  a vow to myself.  I have […]
November 10, 2020
Bark Worse Than the Bite
As a runner, I realize that I will always have a complicated relationship with dogs, as I typically move fast enough to look like a toy to them. I also realize that most of the time, the dog simply wants to play with me, and rarely (I hope…) that dog […]
November 10, 2020
Breakfast or Exercise – What’s First?
Was just reading Tara Parker’s amazing health NY Times blog: touching upon the same old question, what should happen first – breakfast or exercise?  Of course, I may be just a tad biased, as running before breakfast is the very foundation, the core belief of 5 AM Running!  But […]
November 10, 2020
They Call It Five Fingers
I was going to write about the beauty of empty roads on my latest run (4:45 AM this time around), however, something rather interesting caught my attention. For some odd reason, I have been getting Forbes Magazine with stunning regularity, which is somewhat intriguing since I have never been a […]
November 10, 2020
Metabolism – What Is It and Why Bother?
Anyone that knows me will tell you that I am no scientist.  But unfortunately, we have to delve into a bit of science to understand what metabolism is, and how it affects our weight loss / gain.  Why is everyone talking about it? Basically, all the energy we get from […]