November 10, 2020
The Prince of Lightning
Considering how much fat, protein, carbohydrates, alcohol and all the other trash I have consumed since Friday – hey, it was my kid’s birthday, which somehow spilled over into Saturday as well – I knew that running on Sunday morning would no longer be an option, but an absolute and […]
November 10, 2020
Till The Sparks Fly!
It is a well-known and documented fact that I crave an opportunity to punish my body, constantly creating new ways to shock and amaze it into keeping the weight off.  Sure, I realize there are better and easier ways of doing it, but what can I say – I am […]
November 10, 2020
The Night Before
Please trust me on this one. Your old buddy, the 5 AM Runner, has been through them all. It is now 11 PM, and I am simply done – drunk, exhausted, drained, entirely emptied out, both physically and emotionally…. Insanely enough, that’s not the worst I have felt in my […]
November 10, 2020
Bolting Away
I think this guy is basically super-human, he has to be! No, really, the whole world is now talking about this man, Usain Bolt – what a name, by the way – as he seems to have broken all the possible records that ever existed in the sport of running […]
November 10, 2020
Dedication, Commitment… Or Lack Thereof….
It is interesting and peculiar that running is not that well recognized in the U.S., although it is perhaps the most effective form of exercise.  It is perceived as difficult and even potentially damaging, so most people choose to stick to safer forms of cardio “entertainment”, and hit the stair-masters, […]
November 10, 2020
Adrenaline – Keeps You on the Edge!
Lately, I have been reading up on the issue of numerous athletes being accused of taking controlled substances, performance-enhancers, you name it, all aimed to do one thing and one thing only – maximize his or her physical performance for a brief period of time.  I can understand (to some […]
November 10, 2020
The Sprinting Game
As you may remember, the last time around I was too devastated and exhausted, having traveled through the eye of the storm, to write about the very topic that had initially been on my mind.  But a promise is a promise – even if you are a morning-run junkie such […]
November 10, 2020
Scrubbing The New Way
I was recently watching “Nurse Jackie” with my wife (I admit – she made me watch it), and I was amazed at the fact that I never actually paid attention to what the characters on this, and other similar shows actually wear.  What is the history behind these so called […]
November 10, 2020
One Crazy Trip
Wow, what a morning so far! I will tell you, yesterday I thought about writing today’s post to address the topic of sprinting at the end of any cardio stretch, what it does and just how good or bad it may be.  However, having survived a hell of a morning, […]
November 10, 2020
Love Your Neighbor!
It makes no difference to me, even if it is my neighbor, whom I really like and with whom we chat all the time.  Does not matter!  And he should know better! What can I say, I am simply not the same person when I leave the doors of my […]
November 10, 2020
The Powerful Prince
No, I am not talking about Prince William or that other prince in the same royal family, nor am I talking about The Artist Formerly Known as one….. And, as a matter of fact, this is not even related to running and exercise, but I was so impressed with some […]
November 10, 2020
For The Love of It!
I have asked this of many runners and athletes, and I have to agree. How can I love and enjoy something as difficult and as punishing as open-road cardio, a.k.a. running?! Why would we push ourselves to the brink of physical abilities, breathing hard and sweating profusely, feeling as if […]
November 10, 2020
Father’s Day Present!
What’s the best present a father can expect on this Father’s Day weekend?  Some say a smart phone, some say a collection of golf clubs…. To me, a card from my 10-year old, mentioning my running achievements, tops everything and anything in the world!             When […]
November 10, 2020
Sleepless in Seattle…Or In Langhorne, PA
As Bud Fox once said, “Life all comes down to a few moments.” Well, this is clearly NOT one of them, but it certainly affected me in a unique way. We bought a new mattress. Why should anyone care, you ask? Ordinarily, I would not care either, nor would I […]
November 10, 2020
Early Episodes or It Is Early Yet…
This one will be slightly different, as I’d like to cover a lot of ground, without tiring out my already tired readers.  By the way, this is what I look like after one of my 5 AM adventures: _____________________________________________________________________ Believe it or not, but this is a true fact.  I […]