November 10, 2020
Weight On My Shoulders
I want to tell you the truth.  I have nothing to gain by telling you all this, just feel like sharing a bit.  At times, this need to share goes away and becomes somewhat muffled in the hustle and bustle of what we call everyday’s life.  But then I see […]
November 10, 2020
The Greatest Mystery of All
Ah, the good old days!  It wasn’t that long ago that as I stepped outside at 5 o’clock each morning, I was always the only one crazy enough to be out there, enjoying the solitude and the utter peace of the early hour.  Not so, not anymore – in the words of […]
November 10, 2020
The Animal Side
This is probably one of the most amusing and entertaining things I’ve read about in the recent times, and of course as an avid advocate of anything related to real weight loss and cardio exercise, I couldn’t keep quiet much longer!  Let’s get right to it – The Caveman Diet! […]
November 10, 2020
Pros and Cons
How can you tell it’s going to be a blazing-hot day?  Easy – step outside at 5 AM and you will feel the fire!  Which is exactly what happened as I jumped outside this morning, hoping to get my run in before the sun came out and really did some […]
November 10, 2020
The Last Bucket
In my most recent display of utter insanity, this morning I actually woke up and headed directly outside – no getting dressed, no bathroom stops, do not pass GO, do not collect $200 – straight out!  Once outside, something told me that I wasn’t even properly dressed, or hardly dressed […]
November 10, 2020
Tips for Doing More Cardio Through Running
Getting into a regular running routine is by far one of the best ways to stay in shape. After all, running on a regular basis is a wonderful form of cardiovascular exercise, which will not only keep you in shape, but will also improve your heart health in the process. […]
November 10, 2020
Losing Belly Fat Through Running
Running is considered as the one of the most effective cardio workouts by many people around the world. Millions of them follow running as a hobby to look good, feel good and lose weight. But, if you need to burn your belly fat, is running the right choice for you? […]
November 10, 2020
About a Woman
As I awakened at my regularly-insane early hour this morning, I suddenly recalled that today was in fact March 8th, also known as the Women’s Day in most corners of the civilized world.  I have always found it strange and even somewhat offensive that the women of the United States […]
November 10, 2020
When It Hits the Fan
I have to apologize to all of you in the most profound and sincere way possible.  It is not often that I am wrong…. but whenever I am – I am always man enough to quickly express my apologies and take the blame.  You know all that nonsense I have […]
November 10, 2020
No Two Snowflakes
I remember those times quite vividly.  I hated the night-time, if only because I knew that it would take a miracle for me to fall asleep.  I just couldn’t do it, no matter what.  I would go to bed around 11:30 PM, dead-tired, in desperate need of a long-night sleep; […]
November 10, 2020
King of the Road
I have to confess – it is quite rare that I experience sudden explosions of energy and power as I happened to discover this morning.  Most of the time, the exhausting weekly schedule takes such a taxing toll that the process of awakening never really ends… Not so this morning.  […]
November 10, 2020
I Get On My Knees
As I promised earlier this week, let’s talk about the knees and let’s talk about the damage they sustain when they belong to a crazy 5 AM Runner, or any runner for that matter.  And what a perfect occasion to cover this topic – what I did to myself, and […]
November 10, 2020
What Forrest Knew
As I was driving home earlier today, I wanted to write a quick post about my knees hurting like crazy, and how, despite the pain, I still strongly disagree with the doctors and other people who suggest that running is bad for your knees.  Hey, tell me something I don’t […]
November 10, 2020
The Windmills of Your Mind
We, runners, are perhaps one of the strangest species on the planet, to say the least. Is every runner out there as stubborn as I am?  It definitely seems to be the case.  For one thing, we don’t like to skip our scheduled running sessions – rain or shine, snow […]
November 10, 2020
To Walk in These Shoes
I have received a lot of criticism as of late for constantly bringing attention to the amount of food I eat.  In particular, some people are unhappy with the fact that I eat cakes and other baked goods for breakfast (and sometimes for lunch as well), gobble up snacks like […]