February 6, 2022
The Secret Door
Ok, ok, I know.  I have gotten entirely too serious, too scientific, and way too historic for you.  I get it.  I even wrote a story about the Holocaust and suddenly – who would imagine? – women cried, men got angry, and everyone was equally upset as soon as they […]
February 26, 2021
The Medal of Honor
After a tumultuous 2020 and a violent start to 2021, I now can’t see, can’t smell, can barely hear, and in all likelihood will soon also lose my senses of touch and taste.  Luckily, all of this is a source of great entertainment for my wife & family members.  And […]
November 10, 2020
The Blind Ambition
You know that moment when you wake up and step outside, and you can literally feel the crisp air and the brisk, blue sky; when everything is so clear and perfect, you feel like you can see all the way to the end of the earth?  Well, I don’t.  Truth […]
November 10, 2020
The Real Secret
Like most people, I have spent my entire life searching for that coveted secret to happiness.  To some, the secret lies in focusing on the positive and doing what they love.  To many others, it means listening to great music, traveling and being able to afford just about anything and […]
November 10, 2020
The Greatest Show On Earth
I am a relatively humble guy, but even I have to admit – I look simply fantastic these days!  My face is as handsome and manly as ever, and all thanks to the latest fashion statement – the mask.  I know that they will likely cancel and forget about Covid-19 […]
November 10, 2020
The Second Line
The old man sat up in his chair and leaned forward, extending his hand toward me.  I took the matches that were on the stained coffee table in front of him to light his cigarette.  His eyes were still bright, despite his age – he had to be at least […]
November 10, 2020
The Ultimate Pursuit
It was close to 6 o’clock when I stepped out of my office building; the sun was on its final decline toward the horizon; the colors were flying in the sky, the evening was slowly setting in.  I walked toward the parking lot, remembering that I parked all the way […]
November 10, 2020
The Alpha
While you were busy with your life, getting married, starting and giving up on a new diet, waiting for your computer to restart, buying new shoes, listening to your wife and surviving a biological attack, you totally missed the fact that the Generational Clock has recently restarted!  What clock, you […]
November 10, 2020
The Rules of the Game
These days I am definitely a runner.  Running completely and utterly alone, following the rules like a good boy.  We simply need to do something to get our minds further away from the overwhelming reality.  There are too many questions that our inner reason cannot process, but also can’t dismiss.  […]
November 10, 2020
The Pendulum of Time
The world has become a crazy place, especially if you turn on the news or simply scroll through your social media feed.  I don’t believe we’ve had a shred of positive news in the last several months, and anytime something even remotely positive pops up on the screen, it gets […]
November 10, 2020
Once Upon A Time
Let me tell you a story, a fairytale, if you will. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom that truly ruled the world.  It was considered by far the wealthiest & happiest of all the nations, with people flocking to live there at any cost.  Its economic affluence was […]
November 10, 2020
Smoke & Mirrors
Say what you will, but there are moments when time just stands still.  Moments when life pauses and you come to a realization.  It happens to everyone, whether you are the President or a lowly prisoner, because in the end we are all just people, with our feelings and our […]
November 10, 2020
Only Time Will Tell
About 10 years ago, there was a party to which I wasn’t invited.  Neither were you, but don’t be upset.  Believe it or not, not a single person was invited to this get-together, which was thrown by the crazy physicist Stephen Hawking.  You see – the party was exclusively for […]
November 10, 2020
It Only Takes One
The year was 1999 and the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, was at the tail-end of his criminal indictment process, facing prison and innumerable financial penalties.  In addition, as it turned out, Jordan had been informing on his partners and colleagues at the brokerage firm and by doing so, […]
November 10, 2020
Love & Alcohol
As the wisest man in history, King Solomon, said: “There is nothing new under the sun – what has been, will be again.”  While we can’t argue with his wisdom, it seems absurd that there is absolutely nothing new that may happen tomorrow, no new discovery that may take place, […]