As I was feverishly working on updating my website’s title to ’6 AM Runner’ (to account for the Daylight Time change), I have come to yet another realization, another reason why I often times can’t wait to get out there and just go. What’s the best way to spell it out…. freedom, I suppose, but not freedom the way we typically think of it. I mean, the freedom of mind, that inexplicable ability to let your mind wander and be free.
When at school or at work, the same would be labeled “day-dreaming”, and the powers-that-be normally don’t like that! But in our case, at least to me, it is an amazing escape, the kind of freedom of mind that is difficult to describe. Hey, we all have that same tendency, during the quiet moments of the day, our minds start to wander, thinking about the past, the future, planning, self-evaluating. Whatever it may be, most of us don’t have that kind of freedom during the normal course of the day, as we are just too busy, and we can’t take a second off to pause and let our minds just go…
Once you get through the initial pain, once you put away those self-doubts and find the rhythm, you settle into this kind of a routine, the place where breathing is easy and calmness sets in. You simply relax and let it all go, letting your mind travel through space and time; you don’t even notice the surroundings, people, cars…. nothing. The miles do not even matter anymore, it is whatever it is.
Of course, it’s not always that you reach this state of mind; distractions are always there. But I guess each time out, I only hope that it will be that kind of a run, relaxing and unbound, tiring yet satisfying, backbreaking yet free.